
桃县911正在鼓励居民和企业注册CodeRED, 一项电话通讯服务,使我们能够迅速通知居民有关紧急情况.  

桃县911将使用编码系统在国家气象局发布紧急情况(如恶劣天气)后几秒钟内通知居民. 天文台会发出天气通知,以发出严重雷暴警告的即时威胁, flash flood warnings and tornado warnings.  

Other emergencies include:

  • Drinking water contamination
  • 公用事业中断
  • Evacuation notice and route
  • 失踪人
  • 火灾或洪水
  • 炸弹威胁
  • 人质劫持事件
  • Chemical spill or gas leak
  • Other emergency incidents where rapid and accurate notification is essential

注册很容易. 简单的 click this registration link and fill out the required information.

If you don’t have access to a computer

For residents without internet access, 请在正常工作时间拨打桃县紧急通信部门非紧急电话478-822-9111,紧急通信工作人员将协助注册过程.


What is CodeRED and why is it important to me?

“编码”是一项紧急通知服务,桃县官员可以通过电话通知桃县居民和企业, 手机, 短信, or electronic mail about emergency situations or critical community alerts. 该系统能够仅向特定社区或整个社区发送消息.

Does this mean 桃县 will be calling me constantly?

No. 桃县 respects your privacy. 当紧急情况发生时,你应该知道代码将被使用.

该系统将只向直接受到特定事件影响的居民和企业发送信息. 例如, 如果你碰巧住在一个由于水管破裂而发出“烧水”警告的地区, CodeRED只会给你和你的邻居打电话,提供非常重要的健康建议.
If there is a county wide emergency, 我们将以自己选择的方式联系所有桃园居民,并让他们了解最新的发展情况.

For what kinds of situations will CodeRED be used?

恶劣天气情况, substantial utility outage, 疏散通知, 失踪或失踪人员, 火灾或洪水, 主要道路问题, significant criminal situations, chemical spill or gas leak. In short, emergencies and community alerts.

Why do I need CodeRED when I have TV to keep me informed?

编码是一个额外的安全措施,桃县相信我们的居民需要和应得的. If power goes out, you may not be able to depend upon TV. 然而, because telephone lines are self-powered and most people now have cell phones, 桃县将继续通过CodeRED发送的消息通知您.

即使你有权力, CodeRED可能会比电视和广播电台更快地将重要信息传递给你. That's because CodeRED is a direct connection between you and 桃县.

Many emergencies occur without advance warning. 在这种情况下,你可能没有理由打开电视或收音机,或者你可能正在睡觉. 此时,CodeRED可以帮助桃县政府立即向您发出警报,并建议您采取适当的行动.

How will I recognize a CodeRED message?

A CodeRED message will have a caller ID 866-419-5000. 我们建议您在手机中将此号码设置为“新联系人”,并使用“编码”作为联系人名称. If you need to replay the emergency notification message again, simply dial this number and you will be able to hear the message again. 编码信息通常是这样开头的:“这是来自桃县911的紧急信息."

What should I do if I receive a CodeRED message?

Listen carefully to the entire message. It will be brief and will not be repeated. Follow the instructions given. 你可以去商业电视台或广播电台了解更多信息. 听完全部信息后再挂断电话,否则你可能会错过重要信息. 除非接到指示或需要警方立即提供援助,否则不要拨打911寻求进一步信息, EMS或消防部门.

I have a cordless phone, and it does not work when the power goes out. How is 911 going to be able to contact me?


  1.  确保你至少有一部能用的有绳电话——而且一定要把铃声打开.
  2. 编码的“社区通知登记”注册表格让您可以选择同时填写两个电话号码. Entering two phones will result in both phones receiving the calls.

CodeRED为居民提供了另一种新的、强大的了解生命的方式,从而扩大了安全范围, 及时的信息. In addition, you should continue to listen to the TV and the radio.

Will CodeRED leave a message on a machine?

是的, CodeRED will leave a message on a machine or on voice mail. CodeRED解决方案的一部分是识别应答设备的专利能力,并在一次传递中完全留下信息.

What happens if the line is busy?

If the line is busy, CodeRED will try two more times to connect.

What circumstances might prohibit CodeRED from delivering a message to me?

  • 如果您已经移动或更改了电话号码,但尚未注册新的联系方式, CodeRED may not be able to contact you.
  • If you have only cordless phones in your residence, the power is out and you have not registered an alternate phone number, CodeRED will not be able to contact you.
  • 如果您的线路长时间占线,并且您的电话在占线状态下不会转接到语音邮件或应答机, after three tries CodeRED will stop calling your number. 桃县911将收到未投递电话的报告,并可以指示CodeRED开始另一轮呼叫占线号码. 在这些情况下,最好在呼叫数据库中有一个备用电话号码.
  • If you have privacy manager on your main phone service, CodeRED将无法与您联系,除非您注册了一个可以接受该呼叫的备用号码.

Does 桃县 911 have my telephone number, or do I have to sign up to receive CodeRED emergency calls?

桃县 911 does not have your telephone number until you sign up. If you have moved or changed your telephone number recently, 您必须注册“编码”服务或更新您已提供的信息. Any new information you supply will automatically replace old information.

How do I sign up for CodeRED?

Click this link to a CodeRED registration form 你可以在网上填写. 这是最快的注册方式,因为您提供的信息将立即更新编码电话号码数据库. If you do not have access to the internet at home, 请考虑使用图书馆的电脑,或向朋友或家人求助. 网上登记是最有效、最准确和最私密的方式来提供你的信息. 要在网上注册,您可能首先必须调整您的互联网浏览器以启用cookie, otherwise you may receive an error message.

登记表只允许我输入一个主要和次要电话号码. What if I want to register additional numbers for my address?

After you submit the initial registration form, 您可以重新开始注册过程,并为同一地址提交更多号码.

I have a business located in 桃县.  Can I arrange to have CodeRED call my business?

是的. 单击已编码链接. Click the “business” option and fill in the required information. 请注意,紧急呼叫只能发送到直拨号码. 自动化座席将会中断整个过程,呼叫将无法送达. 企业应该登记他们的主号码,并建立一个程序来分发编码信息给他们的员工.